Follow the journey of 3Dpro!

As a fellow tradie myself, i began my electrical apprenticeship over 15 years ago. After finishing my apprenticeship and working 2 full years as an A grade electrician, I bit the bullet and started my own electrical company in 2017 (ElecPro Melbourne). With the business going from strength to strength, I always had a passion for organisation. Whether it would be in my business, personal or lego brick building when I was 10 years old.

Throughout my years with my vehicle setups, I always wanted to have an organised vehicle to allow me to become more productive, efficient and profitable at all times. The result of this was:

1. Jobs done on time and efficiently

2. Minimal time for packing up

3. Saving time knowing where everything is in my vehicle

4. Not wasting time going to wholesalers

5. Knowing an apprentice can find a tool in record time

6. Higher Profits due to decreased in time on site

7. More time on the weekend for the things I love. Wakeboarding, Snowboarding and time with my dog, Fred!

Now I am here to help every tradie around the globe become a PRO like us!

The 3DPRO Journey

Follow along to see how 3DPRO was born in conjunction with ELECPRO

2018: Life before Milwaukee Packout was in everyone's' lives. Our canopy was made up of plastic tubs, rollacases and milk crates

2018: Never satisfied with our setup. We installed a false floor, drawers and a cable rack.

2019: We brought a second-hand packout kit off Facebook Marketplace and quickly fell in love.

We loved packout, but getting to bottom one was a pain! This is our first prototype of Pack A Shelf before even knowing what the next 5 years was going to bring!

2019: Our first packout fit out! Made from MDF. It worked but i was running out of room in the Ute for MORE packout! ....

2020: We got a van for our packout addiction. My mind was going crazy with ideas and the possibilities of how I could be more efficient.

Loaded with false flooring, custom shelving and more packout.... It was good, but I knew there was a way to be more productive

Our business grew, we needed more room so we built a 10m x 10m garage. Of course I went overboard with by lining the roof in plywood, adding recliners and 56 downlights throughout.

Our 2nd Attempt of a Van fit out. The packout drawers were a game change for us! Incorporating a pull out slide on the side of the van was a huge stepping stone.

2021: We brought 1 3D printer for ourselves to print packout accessories so we could become more organised and productive. No intention of selling to others...

2022: We started a little Instagram shop using ElecPro's following. Initially just started to selling to mutual Tradies like myself. We went from 1 printer to 3 in the space of 2 months... My poor little garage was getting full!

2022: We moved to a Shopify website, started advertising and used our social media leverage to create even more products!

ElecPro was also growing! We added another 2 Vans to the fleet. This one was imported Japanese Hiace. I love it so much

2022: One of our first prototypes of Pack A Shelf. It went through ALOT of testing and changes to make it perfect , which was long and expensive! We went through over 50 variations.

2023: Our first fit out with our Pack a Shelf system. Holy Sh*t. This is amazing. My efficiency went up 200%

We ordered alot (alot for us at the time). We sold out in 3 days ...

Then i knew, it was time to level up!

2023: We added another 5 x 3D printers to the garage. More products with packout labelling and customisation.

2024: We then added our dual packout Slider and moved from raw aluminium to black powder coated. What a difference!

The Garage was getting full! Our small online store was now selling our products all over the globe! We even hired a product designer and Pick Packer to help us

2024: Our next batch of Pack A Shelf and Dual Sliders was here and ready to pack orders. Again... It sold out in under a week.

Couple of our best sellers: 20L Folding Bucket, Pack a Level and Electrical Ceiling Cut out Template. Being a Sparky helps us understand what Tradies need!

2024: We are starting to see our system in Vehicles all over the world. Helping other Tradies become more organised and efficient brings a tear to my eye!

July 2024: Level Up! We got our very own factory. This houses all 7 x 3D Printers, office space, pallet racking space and a show room. WOW

August 2024: We now have 10 x bambu x1c 3D Printers

August 2024: Calm before the storm. Just before we got our first container of PACK-A-SHELF. hint: It filled the whole factory

August 2024: Our first container of PACK A SHELF arrived! whoooooooooooo

September 2024: It was all sold on pre order and it went out just as fast as it came in. 6 pallets sent out to customers on day 1

October 2024: We added a Ute to the line up. New Canopy to be fitted out with all the best goodies. A YouTube series to go with it.

November 2024: Head down and getting to work in the office. We have black friday sales to prepare for!!! P.S - 3 screens are a must for productivity

November 2024: We added a new mini 1.5 slider to the lineup. Perfect for ute canopies or smaller vans

November 2024: SH#T We got a whole container worth of folding buckets in! Including our new 40L one